/ Medieval Christmas

Medieval Christmas

A magical Christmas event in Visby 8-10 of December 2023.

Publicerad 13 sep 2022

In December the World Heritage city of Visby goes all medieval again, a wonderful time and reason to visit Gotland.


Medieval Yule during 8-10 th of December 2023 is similar to the Medieval week but in a more intimate setting and a much different climate. What our German speaking friends call a ”Mittelalterliche Weinachtsspektakel” is the spirit of Christmas in a historical setting, with concerts, shows, theaters, Glühwein and of course: the Christmas Market. Are you looking for Christmas presents, entertainment and hot food and beverage? The programme includes all of this and much more.


Utsikt från trappgatan över Stora torget i skymningen. Härifrån ser man bland annat Sankta Karins kyrkoruin, Gutekällaren och Drottens ruin med Östersjön i bakgrunden.
Visby Day and Culture at Night

September 28- October 1, we celebrate the beautiful world heritage city of Visby with lots of exciting events!

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