Travelling to and from Gotland is easy and there are many companies who are ready to make your trip a comfortable and memorable moment. When travelling by ferry you will be taken straight to the heart of Visby, only a a few steps from the impressive World Heritage.
From the airport, it is also not very far. It is even quite possible to walk the 4 kilometers to central Visby.
Most people travel to Gotland by ferry and Destination Gotland operates two mainland ports, Nynashamn south of Stockholm and Oskarshamn in Småland. Regardless of your choice the crossing takes approximately three hours.
If you choose to fly there are several cities to choose from and the flight time can be as short as 30 minutes. The number of routes and airlines increases during the summer but Gotland is also well connected to the Swedish mainland all year round.
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Visby Centrum, Matbyrån Gotland och Gotlands Förenade Besöksnäring har skapat Gotland Taste Festival. En gemensam satsning för att erbjuda mat- och dryckesälskare gotländsk mat i säsong samt möjligheten att besöka lokala producenter.
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